
What is DHI Hair Transplantation?

DHI Saç Ekimi

DHi (Direct Hair Implantation) is the process of taking from the donor area (the area where the hair is taken) with special needles made for DHi and placing it in the area to be transplanted with the same needle within 1-2 minutes. FUE is the first method that comes to mind when it comes to hair transplantation with DHi, but there are a few noteworthy differences between the 2 methods.

Get bushy and healthy hair with DHİ hair transplantation. DHİ hair transplantation is applied professionally and provides you with the hair you desire.

Although DHi hair transplantation has been a method that has been applied for about 10 years, it has become a method we started to hear more after 2016.

What are the Methods Used in Hair Transplantation Operations?

Since the application of hair transplantation, we have faced three methods. We can list those methods as follows:

  • FUT: Follicular Unit Transplantation
  • FUE: Follicular Unit Extraction
  • DHi: Direct Hair Implantation